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TTR Weekly News Alert, 8 May 2024

Scoot flies first Embraer to Thai destinations

On Tuesday, the first aircraft started flights to Krabi and Hat Yai in Thailand to enhance Scoot's network connectivity in the region......Read More

WebBeds uncovers Bangkok videos

WebBeds partners with TAT to unveil creative Bangkok destination videos launched for the first time during Arabian Travel Mart this week.....Read More



Sarawak rolls out the welcome mat

Sabah presents chill-out beaches at Dubai show

Emirates' A350s serve nine cities
  Air Astana starts summer flights to Europe
Air Astana resumes seasonal services to European holiday destinations......Read More
  Philippines flies the flag at ATM
The Philippines leads a larger team to the Arabian Travel Market 2024 this week to tap the growing potential of Middle East outbound travel....Read More
  Phuket auction supports hospitality students
Phuket Hotels Association goes live with its Absolutely Fabulous Travel Sale to raise funds for hospitality students.....Read More
  Back to Sustainable Basics
WTTC's Hotel Sustainability Basics reach 3,400 verified properties; 2024 is set to be a historic year for the sustainability initiative.....Read More

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