LONDON, 17 February 2020: Hotel rooms under development increased 14.1% during January adding 441,819 rooms across the Asia-Pacific region to the pipeline according to the latest data released by STR.

STR’s hotel pipeline data for the Asia Pacific showed 2,021 new projects joining the hotel pipeline in January.

A majority of the region’s hotel pipeline is in three segments with the upper-midscale projects representing the largest percentage increase (+24.2%) in activity year-over-year.

The report showed the upscale sector has 110,855 rooms; upper midscale 103,447 rooms and the upper-upscale 99,148 rooms.

Six countries reported more than 20,000 rooms under construction. China led with 224,579 rooms, which represented 8.1% of the country’s existing supply, followed by Japan (35,622 rooms, 5.0% of existing supply).

1.    China: 224,579 rooms (8.1%)
2.    Japan: 35,622 rooms (5.0%)
3.    Vietnam: 31,727 rooms (29.6%)
4.    India: 24,752 rooms (8.1%)
5.    Indonesia: 22,292 rooms (6.0%)
6.    Malaysia: 20,410 rooms (12.3%)

(Source: STR)