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Cambodia takes a USD3,000 deposit


PHNOM PENH, 15 June 2020: Cambodia has thrown up more obstacles to ensure foreigners don’t visit the country starting with a requirement that forces travellers to deposit USD3,000 with a bank at the point of entry to cover any medical and quarantine costs.

The deposit rule is written into a pricing list released by the country Minister of Health, who chairs the Ministerial Committee to Combat Covid-19. The latest ruling was dated 11 June.

All travellers excepting those on diplomatic or official government business must hand over the USD3,000 deposit either in cash or as a deduction from their credit cards. In addition, they must show to immigration officials proof of medical insurance for the value of USD50,000 and a health certificate that states they are free of Covbid-19 infection valid for up to 72 hours.

Earlier last week, local news channels provided details of the pricing list covering expenses linked to the mandatory testing carried out at centres before the traveller is allowed to enter the country officially.

They are obliged to pay USD100 for the Covid-19 PCR swab test and stay overnight at the testing centre’s accommodation. The bus transfer is USD5 each way, USD30 for the overnight stay while waiting for the result and USD30 for meals.

If a single passenger on the flight tests positive all passengers on the flight will enter compulsory 14-days of quarantine with a second test due on the 13th day of isolation. In addition, the USD30 daily accommodation and food costs apply along with a USD15 laundry fee, medical surveillance fee USD5 a day and USD 3 for security services.

If no passengers test positive on a specific flight, all the passengers can enter the country, but they must self isolate at their hotel address and report daily to medical officers for the 14 days and undergo a second Covid-19 swab test on the 13th day. The re-issue of a valid health certificate to leave the country will cost another USD30.

Travellers who tested positive and show symptoms requiring hospital treatment pay USD5 for the transfer to the designated state hospital. They will undergo up to four Covid tests at USD100 each during the hospital stay. The hospital room will cost USD30 a day, treatment USD150 per day, meals USD30, laundry service USD15. In the case, the traveller dies, the cremation and funeral fee is USD1,500.

All these costs will be automatically deducted from the USD3,000 deposit paid to the designated bank.

This report is based entirely on the official government documents released on 9 and 11 June. 

(Source:  Civil Aviation Department, and the Ministerial Committee to Combat-19)


  1. Look, it’s a deposit. That means you get it back. I think this solution is far more fair than requiring medical insurance. I’m 70, no insurer will have me.

    • Unfortunately, you need both the cash/credit card deposit of USD3,000 and an insurance policy of USD50,000 cover for the time you are in the country on holiday. The deposit is used for Covid-19 test and quarantine fees etc and not medical expenses that could be incurred once you are travelling. The deposit is returned or credited by the bank once the Covid-19 costs are paid.

  2. ….and health insurance for minimum us$50,000 and…. Covid-free medical certificate, which in Thailand costs minimum 6,500 Baht (and up to twice as that depending on hospital)…valid for 72 hours only. Welcome to Cambodia. $15 for laundry, per person per day, much more than average Cambodian earns in a day. (according to Corruption Perception Index, Cambodia is #161 out of 180 on the list of Corrupt Countries in 2020).

  3. Wow , I wish Cambodian official should see and read all these comments here and will reconsider to ease some of these requirements. That is way too much that will just scare people away and like telling them go to Thailand or Vietnam instead.

  4. When I first came back since the Vietnam war in 1998, there were no banks anywhere in the country, no bridge to Koh Kong, and no road to Sihanoukville, (ferry only) and was $20 for a tourist visa. I made several trips to the Kingdom over the next 15 years and had a great time. Haven’t been there for 5 years and heard from friends it was being overun by people from Wuhan Virus origins, building casinos and collapsible buildings everywhere.

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