HANOI, 19 October 2020: Vietnam is priming its tourism reopening strategy with the launch of a CNN International television commercial inviting travellers to consider Vietnam for their first holidays post Covid-19.

Vietnam National Administration of Tourism commissioned the 30-second clip, which features some of Vietnam’s top tourism products and destinations and ends with the sentence, “When you’re ready to travel again, why not Vietnam?”

VNAT leaders said the TV commercial aims to remind travellers of Vietnam’s charms and suggest the country as a safe and enticing destination for vacationers in 2021.

The video was created with support from the Vietnam Tourism Advisory Board (TAB) and can be viewed during commercial breaks on CNN Asia for six weeks starting 15 October as well as on the national tourism website (www.vietnam.travel) and its social media channels.

Vietnam will soon launch more activities to accompany the ‘Why Not Vietnam?’ video, including giveaways on social media, ad banners, and articles that highlight Vietnam’s capable handling of the coronavirus and its commitment to the safety of its guests and citizens.

“The story of how Vietnamese came together to fight the virus and support each other is one that we want to share with our friends overseas,” said VNAT’s Tourism Marketing Department director-general Dinh Ngoc Duc. “Through the ‘Why Not Vietnam?’ campaign we will put forward suitable tourism experiences for travellers looking to escape and unwind after COVID-19 passes, and emphasize Vietnam as a safe destination within the region.”

Vietnam’s strong safety record since the start of the pandemic and its ability to provide socially distanced holiday options are top reasons for travellers to consider the country for upcoming trips, Duc explained.

Over the coming months, Vietnam intends to win the confidence of travellers with high-value travel giveaways on its social media channels. Its first giveaway, which will launch in November, features a pair of international flight tickets from national carrier Vietnam Airlines valid throughout 2021, as well as a four-day holiday in Sa Pa with Topas Riverside Lodge and Topas Ecolodge, a National Geographic Certified Unique Lodge.

Tourism experts in the region believe Vietnam will become an early leader in reviving travel based on its performance dealing with Covid-19 and the continued stable political and investment climate.


  1. I would to travel to Vietnam but quarantine cost is 5.000.000$ DONG. IS 300$ Canadian per day That too much. After 14 days you have to pay 4200$. That insane

  2. This is good and positive news….but when are the borders likely to re-open for European tourists ? If a 14 day quarantine is going to be required, I do not understand the continuing delay….I am happy to have a test before traveling and would accept the quarantine but please let us back !

  3. We will come when we can. We would do 1 week quarantine. I am basically quarantined in my house now and I could eat excellent food. The first 2 days we are so lazy anyway from the long trip.

  4. I am from the US and I have been to Vietnam 5 times in a span of a year. US passport holders use to be welcome but not anymore for obvious reasons. Whenever I frequent Vietnam I would spend at least $5k to $8k per trip. I love the beautiful scenery of country, the food, and especially the friendly people. The quarantine process is too strict for me since I would only stay 2 weeks at a given trip. I hope they can work out something better. I wish Vietnam the best on your tourism industry and hope to visit there soon.

  5. I hold a Spore passport. I have strong intention of visiting ur beautiful country and so does thousands of other like minded singaporeans. If we dont have to be quarantined on arrival in Vietnam, it would be an even more worthwhile trip. Hope this can be worked out soon

  6. Why not Vietnam? Insane regulations. 14-day quarantines at $1,300 and more. Especially after news broke about the riot at the local airport. No tourist in their right mind is going anywhere near Vietnam.

    Love you Vietnam but tourists are going to avoid you like the plague.

    • Fake news spreader ..Riots at the airport what a lot of nonsense . It’s ok you don’t go but I will my wife and daughter there …stop spreading fake news can’t wait to go back I will be on the first flight love Vietnam

    • The riot that was mentioned was only a protest – it was from from possible Covid 19 returning citizens from overseas, that were given no information about quarantine costs by the airlines – you can get very basic Government quarantine accommodation for $5 per night if required.
      I am expecting they will only take people from countries with low risk status without quarantine.
      I am an expat that has been caught here for eight months and the Government has done an excellent job.
      We really don’t want negative people like you who complain about things that they really know nothing about.
      It’s a great country and for safety there is no other place I’d rather be.
      Come over you will love the place 💕
      Saigon (true jewel of the Orient)

  7. We love, love, love Vietnam! We have been 3 times. If and when we are able to, our goal is to visit for 3 months. Cant wait! The best country in the world! The nicest people in the world! The yummiest food in the world!

    • It’s doable for Vietnam, with a few suggestions: don’t increase the quarantine hotel prices more than the market’s values, of course people have to pay for other costs like medical tests, foods, drinks and extra amenities. Allow them the ability to order outside food delivered to compete with whatever the hotels are offering. Cut down quarantine period to 7 days, provided people have negative test results. Travellers don’t have to do the test at home country before boarding as long as they don’t have a fever; it’s ridiculously hard for many people to get tested within 3 or 5 days, as many places in the US still take at least one week to get results.


  8. Hanoi & Vietnam, such an amazing place to experience, even the flight there was the beginning of entering into a new & fascinating world ( new for me ).

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