SINGAPORE, 9 December 2022: With international flights resuming, the great travel reboot has seen nearly 6.5 million new travel itineraries created on the Tripadvisor platform in 2022.

Looking back at the year,  Tripadvisor research found that ‘Relax and Rejuvenate’ was the main trip purpose for 50% of travellers globally. The most popular search terms were ‘Beach’ with 4.8 million searches, ‘Resort’ with 3.2 million searches and ‘Spa’ searched 1.7 million times.

Travellers were extra adventurous this year – looking to do something wild, wonderful and out of the ordinary to escape their daily routines. Some travellers aren’t afraid of anything. This year saw bookings for 1,636 shark-diving experiences, 16,563 ziplining tours and 47,015 ghost & vampire tour tickets sold.

This year, Tripadvisor saw over 16 million five-bubble reviews written, 22 million helpful votes given and 387,000 forum threads created.

Travellers loved the big cities. Tripadvisor saw over 11 million traveller searches for Bangkok, more than 43 million interested in London, and 20 million looking up Las Vegas.

Travellers were keen to share their best and worst moments along the way: 18 million new photos were uploaded to Tripadvisor this year, capturing moments big and small

The review and booking platform claims 35.7 million new travel buddies joined the Tripadvisor community. Close to 400 million travellers visit Tripadvisor every month.


The data cited  was gathered and analysed from two key sources:

A Tripadvisor Consumer Sentiment Survey, based on data drawn from an online survey of over 2,700 consumers, was conducted between 27 September 2022 through 6 October 2022 across six countries – the US, UK, Australia, Italy, Singapore and Japan.

Site behavioural data sourced from first-party traffic data on the Tripadvisor platform gathered during the week commencing 1 November 2022 for travel between 1 January through 1 November 2022.