HONG KONG, 14 February 2023: The “World of Winners” Tickets Giveaway Campaign sponsored by Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) gets underway on 1 March 2023.
Around 500,000 free airline tickets are on offer for travellers as Hong Kong launches global promotions to speed up the recovery of its aviation and tourism industries.

Most of the 500,000 tickets will be given away in phases by three home-based airlines, Cathay Pacific Airways, Hong Kong Express and Hong Kong Airlines, through their respective channels in major passenger markets.
The giveaway will start in Southeast Asia markets on 1 March 2023, followed by Northeast Asia and Mainland China markets for around six months. The airlines will introduce marketing and promotions for the free tickets in late February.
Inbound passengers who win the giveaway tickets will also enjoy special offers on hotel accommodation, shopping and entertainment offered by business partners who join the promotional activities.
AAHK chairman Jack So said: “We bought the tickets from the airlines during the most challenging time under the pandemic, and that is a testament to our confidence in the future of Hong Kong’s aviation industry.
“The campaign will generate a multiplier effect on boosting air traffic and enormous publicity for Hong Kong. Since the relaxation of travel restrictions and quarantine requirements for inbound travellers last year, passenger traffic at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) has started to pick up, especially in the last quarter. We also have had a good start in 2023 with the resumption of normal travel with the Mainland. HKIA has always been a major international aviation hub. We are confident that passenger traffic will continue to rise.”
“World of Winners” Tickets Giveaway Campaign: https://wow.hongkongairport.com/tickets