PHNON PENH, 10 July 2023: Destination Mekong has confirmed the appointment of four directors who join 12 other directors to bring the board up to full strength 16 members to supervise the affairs of the destination management organisation until 2025.

Directors joining the board this month are:
Nikolas Hatz, managing director HatzConsult and Lead Consultant & Tourism Development Export | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ);
Hannah Pearson, founder Pear Anderson and Regional Director Asia Adventure Travel Trade Association;
Phan Thanh Ha, Partnership Officer ASSET – H&C network;
Guido Neil, Director of Special Operations 12Go. (renewal of directorship).
Additionally, new board members representing the most significant financial contributors to Destination Mekong are:
- For the Overseas Cambodian Investment Corporation (OCIC): Thierry Tea, Vice President;
- For the World Wildlife Fund (WWF): Jedsada Taweekan, Regional Illegal Wildlife Trade Program Manager for WWF-Greater Mekong;
- For Confluences: Dara N. Van, Business Development & MarCom Manager;
- For Control Union: Dilum Wijenayaka, General Manager, Control Union Cambodia;
- For the AZ Group: Lim Bunsour, Chairman.