WebBeds teams up with STB for fam trips

SINGAPORE, 12 September 2024: STB partners and WebBeds invited Oceania’s top-performing travel content managers to Singapore for a five-day fam trip to explore the Lion City’s iconic attractions and activities, plus VIP experiences and five-star hotels

WebBeds has joined forces with the Singapore Tourism Board (STB), the second collaboration between the two partners following the inaugural edition in 2022.

WebBeds and the Singapore Tourism Board selected eight of WebBeds’ highest-producing wholesale product managers from Australia and New Zealand to visit Singapore. 

The STB’s diverse itinerary included the opportunity to uncover this Southeast Asian gateway city’s top attractions, from dazzling modern wonders such as Marina Bay Sands, the ArtScience Museum, and a VIP tour of Universal Studios Singapore to cultural icons like Chinatown, the UNESCO-listed Singapore Botanic Gardens, and Lau Pa Sat, the vibrant hawker centre.

Australia is an important visitor source market for Singapore. From January to July 2024, 663,970 Australians travelled to Singapore¹, an 8.6% increase year-on-year. This follows a 91.8% post-pandemic surge in 2023, when 1.08 million Australians visited the Lion City, making it Singapore’s fifth-largest global market. Demand from New Zealand is also growing rapidly, with 90,270 arrivals² in the year to July 2024, marking a 19.8% jump compared to the same seven-month period last year, boosted by additional air capacity³.

The eight travel professionals included Yvonne Chapple, Asia Team Leader & Contracting Manager, Flight Centre Travel Group; Stephanie Jones, Product Manager, Hoot Holidays; Tina Millington, Travel & Product Advisor, Entire Travel Group; Shona Bray, Product Manager – Asia & North America, House of Travel New Zealand; Mark Brooker, Head of Wholesale, Itravel; Amber Fildes, Marketing Manager, BKB Holidays; Michael Zhang, Head of Sales & Partnerships, Webjet; and Raphael Gong, Campaign Manager, Luxury Escapes. They were joined by Stacy Harsh, Sales Manager – Pacific, WebBeds, and Anthony Valeriano, Senior Manager – Oceania, STB.


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